How To Boost Your Metabolism for Good Health

We keep hearing things about it but exactly what is metabolism? Simply put, it’s the rate at which calories are burned in the body of a person. It depends on factors like age, sex, body fat, muscle mass, levels of activity, and genes. A person has no control whatsoever on their genetics that make a big difference but you can still do things to improve the way your body processes calories. By eating healthy foods and working out, you can improve your metabolism and therefore, manage your weight and muscle mass. Check out FITPASS for fitness solutions that help you improve your metabolism through healthy eating and exercise.

  • Follow a strict eating schedule

Regularity and consistency are very important for the body to function properly. Eating at the same time every day helps the body in maintaining a good metabolic balance. If you eat too much at once and then go hungry for long periods, as a lot of us are prone to do these days, the body tends to burn calories slowly than it should and ends up burning more fat cells. This tendency can be managed by eating at regular intervals throughout the day. Having small meals every 3-4 hours is the best way to maintain a good metabolic rate.

  • Do resistance training

Include strength training in your routine if you want to increase your metabolism. Muscle mass requires more energy and thus, has a higher metabolic rate than fat. Therefore, it is important to work in your muscles. However, as you age, the body loses muscle. Muscle mass can be maintained by doing resistance training regularly. You can either get a set of weights to lift at home, visit the gym, or do bodyweight strength training exercises. Get FITCOACH for dynamic workout recommendations.

  • Eat enough

Weight loss is a big thing these days but what most people don’t realize is that it is not good if you lose weight by skipping meals. For that matter, undereating has the same effect on your metabolism. Not consuming enough calories slows down the metabolism to conserve energy. Women need 1600 to 2400 calories every day while men need 2000 to 3000 calories a day.

  • Sleep enough

When you do not sleep enough, the body releases a hormone that makes you feel hungry. The body might also release another hormone that may make you feel full. Therefore, sleeping enough and well is important for miniating hormone balance. And if your hormones are balanced, you eat as much as you need, no more no less. Some people can function properly with just 6 hours of sleep while others need more. You should aim for 7-8 hours of sleep each night.

  • Manage stress

Stress is known to affect hormone levels and thus, lead to the overproduction of cortisol. It is a hormone that regulates appetite, which when found extra in the body can affect your eating habits. Directly, it may lead to weight loss or gain or even unhealthy eating patterns that disrupt the metabolism in the long run. Moreover, stress affects sleep, which also affects metabolism. Therefore, reduce stress and try to stay happy.
