Home Workout | 5 Weightlifting Tips for Beginners

Weightlifting is an essential part of working out irrespective of whether you’re a beginner or want to add strength training to your routine. Cardio alone can’t help you reach your fitness goals. Visiting the gym might not be possible right now and you have to rely on the best bodyweight exercises or on your home gym equipment. Full body exercises at home can help you achieve the level of fitness you want. Strength training exercises put pressure on the muscles, which leads to minuscule breaks in its fibre. When these fibres are repaired after rest and good nutrition, the strength in the muscle increases. Get FITCOACH for workout recommendations by an AI-led fitness coach based on your needs and preferences.

How to Lift Weights at Home

  • Start with bodyweight exercises

Start building strength in your mules with bodyweight exercises at home before you begin to use weight in your strength training routine. They are equally effective and have a low chance of injuries. Adding weights to exercise increases its complexity and the risk of injury. Full body workouts based on bodyweight exercises can help you build a good foundation for your workout routine.

  • Focus on form

Having a personal trainer is the best way to focus on form and technique. Not only does it reduce the risk of injuries but helps you reach the highest level of fitness as well. Having the assistance of a personal trainer at a gym is not quite possible or easy at this moment. However, you can consult the best trainers across India online with FITPASS personal training classes. Even if you choose to do it yourself, ensure that your positioning is correct and doesn’t compromise your posture.

  • Warm-up your muscles

A workout is not quite as effective without a proper warm-up. Do some warm-up exercises like jumping jacks, high knees, and dynamic stretches to wake up your muscles. You can use a foam roller as it helps loosen up tight muscles. A warmup is important because it preps up your muscles for a hard workout, which might otherwise cause injuries. Plus, a warm up increases the range of motion and allows you to move more freely.

  • Don’t overdo it

Start with 3 days a week, no more. Strength training can be done three to five times a week. But you should not start with 5 days a week. Doing too much at an early stage will burn you out and might even lead to injuries. Also, it is better to work on multiple muscle groups at once with compound exercises instead of focusing on a single group of muscles. Do a bit of everything in each workout – lower body, core, and upper body for a balanced workout. Once you get comfortable with those 3 days a week, add another day and so on.

  • Select the weight wisely

When you reach that level and feel like you need to add weights to your exercises, don’t do it without putting some thought into it. Add a combination of dumbbells, free weights, kettlebells, if you want to add muscle mass and increase strength. Lifting the right weight depends on the number of reps and how long it takes for you to complete them. 10-15 reps is a standard and if you can complete them with ease, you are ready for heavier weights.
