5 Amazing Benefits of Open Water Swimming Classes

5 Amazing Benefits of Open Water Swimming Classes

As you know, swimming benefits the entire body. It is a low impact sport that works all the muscles and joints of your There’s a good chance that you have been a part of swimming competitions at school or college. However, have you ever been swimming in open water bodies?

Open water swimming, as the name sounds, is the practice of swimming in water bodies like lakes, rivers, seas, and oceans. As it turns out, the benefits of swimming in open waters exceed swimming benefits at a swimming pool. The water in open spaces is colder and that is good for the body. Looking for swimming classes near you? Get FITPASS – one pass 4,000+ fitness centers across India. Visit swimming pools in your area with FITPASS.

Benefits of Swimming in Open Spaces

  • No boundaries

If you have been to swimming pools, you know that you have to stick to your lane and follow certain swimming rules which are not that bad in limited space. But what about unlimited space? In lakes and other open water spaces, you can swim in any direction and at your pace. You don’t have to worry about obstructing someone’s path. Plus, you get the feeling of reaching somewhere instead of just touching a wall and going back.

  • A bigger challenge

The water in open bodies can be much colder than in something pools. Swimming in cold water is challenging, both mentally and physically. You will end up losing a lot of body heat, which is sometimes much harder than the practice of swimming itself. If you have never done it before, you can get a wetsuit to adjust to the water’s temperature and to improve buoyancy. Finally, the main challenge is that you know there’s no floor on which to stand or a buoy line to hang on to, which makes you try harder and improves your lung capacity.

  • Weight Loss

The body requires more heat to keep warm when the body is exposed to the cold. To do so when you’re swimming, it must produce energy, which is done by burning the extra fat in your body. This improves your metabolic system as well. You will burn up to 200 calories more per hour as compared to the calories burned while swimming in a pool.

  • Improved immunity

When you immerse your body in cold water at least 3 times a week, the production of white blood cells increases. These white blood cells ward off infections and boost the immune system and activate the metabolic rate. This is scientifically proven.

Swimming in open water bodies improves body circulation, which means that the impurities are flushed effectively and your health improves. Moreover, it is also proven that cold water reduces the levels of stress and fights depression.

  • Pain management

A lot of healing techniques involve immersion in cold water. Professional sports persons often use cold water or ice water to treat injuries and reduce muscle pain. Swimming in open water bodies can help you with pains in your body. It can help with injuries, which is a great benefit of swimming anyway. Remember that the colder the temperature, the better it is for your nervous system.
