Avoid These 5 HIIT Workout Mistakes

High-intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a popular workout among fitness enthusiasts these days. You must have surely heard of it even if you haven’t tried it. And try it you must because HIIT benefits the entire body and that too quickly. HIIT is great for increasing aerobic fitness and burning fat. A regular HIIT workout session lasts for 30-45 minutes with high-intensity effort for 30-35 seconds with a break lasting 10-15 seconds in between. 

HIIT can be adapted to your specific needs – running, strength training or a combination of both. The only downside of HIIT is when you do it wrong. And it can easily lead to injuries owing to the high-intensity of the exercises. Get FITCOACH by FITPASS for all-round workout advice. The AI-enabled fitness coach offers workout suggestions based on your needs with an emphasis on form and technique.

HIIT Mistakes
  • Skipping warm-up and cool-down
Warm-up and cool-down are absolutely essential for proper fitness. Everyone witnesses pains and injuries differently that can be managed by warming up and cooling down before and after, respectively, a workout. Dynamic stretches before a HIIT workout prepare your body for the high-intensity workout and minimizes muscle soreness and helps with post-workout recovery. HIIT includes intense movements like jumping, which affects your joints, adversely if you do not warm up.
  • Skipping pre-workout meal
If you’re not properly fuelled before a workout, you won’t be able to perform well or have the energy to complete it. The body relies on carbs for that energy. You must eat well before a workout even if you want to lose weight because there’s no point if you’re unable to give in everything in your session. You might feel lethargic or shaky during the workout. Moreover, even if you finish the workout, your body won’t be able to heal properly. Having some fruits 1-2 hours before a workout is recommendable.
  • Long intervals
HIIT is a very specific kind of workout – it relies on big bursts of energy and a lot of effort. Some people forget about proper form while working out hard. Experts suggest it is better to do fewer reps and maintain proper form than doing it wrong. Bad form always leads to injuries. However, stick to the intervals for the best results. Do not focus on making the exercise harder, instead focus on doing it for the interval and start the next one right after the break period is over.
  • Intensity is not enough
HIIT workouts are supposed to be invigorating; they are intense and hard. In the beginning, you won’t be able to maintain that intensity, especially if you’re out of shape. Therefore, it is advisable to get to a level of fitness before starting HIIT workouts because it will push you out of your comfort zone. It won’t help you achieve your goal if you do not maintain the intensity. It is the intensity that offers such great results within 20-30 minutes.
  • Too-much HIIT
Yes, there's such a thing. While you need to be consistent with your workouts, it’s okay to do HIIT 3 days a week, especially at the beginning. Eating, stretching, and sleeping well are important as well. Don’t make HIIT every day your target. Instead, try to do your best 3-5 days a week and enjoy your rest days. The body needs rest to recover equally. Listen to your body and if you feel too tired, do something light.
