5 Foods That Help Reduce Stress

Believe it or not, stress levels are affected by what you eat. Consuming junk food often, which is not uncommon in the present day, can increase stress levels and thus lead to anxiety. Therefore, eating healthy is essential for good mental health as well as physical health. Moreover, healthy foods are good for your heart and other vital functions of the body.

Mental health experts claim that people who follow good diets and tend to consume c are more likely to achieve good overall health. Try FITFEAST – Your Personal Nutritionist – to get expert dietary advice based on your physical activity, calorie requirement, nutritional needs, and preferences.

5 Stress Reducing Foods
  • Seasonal Fruits
A diet without fruits is not a good diet at all. Consuming seasonal fruits is not only satisfying but eliminates stress as well. Seasonal fruits, especially citrus fruits, are known to reduce the level of stress. Fruits are packed with essential nutrients including flavonoids that improve brain function. On that note, you should also include green leafy vegetables as they improve your concentration powers and help you deal with tough situations. Therefore, make sure you have both daily for high energy levels and stress reduction.
  • Dark Chocolate
Have you ever had chocolate when feeling low? And did you feel better after? Chocolate, dark chocolate mind you, is known to improve mood and relieve stress. We feel low when the sugar levels in the body reduce beyond a point, which gives way to feeling stressed and irritated. Consuming dark chocolate is good because it contains several antioxidants that improve insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and mood. Experts suggest consuming up to 40 grams of chocolate every day to get rid of stress.
  • Herbal Tea
Herbs have been used for a very long time to treat different health problems. Some of them are known to reduce anxiety as well. Herbal tea is a good option for that as well. A substance called adaptogens present in herbs fights stress and maintains the vital levels in the body. You can have herbal tea to relax, sleep better or even prevent headaches. 

Herbal tea is packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that lighten up the mood and calm the mind. This property is dependent on the presence of essential oils that cool down the nerves. Moreover, warm herbal tea detoxifies the body and improves blood circulation, which in turn improves mood. Therefore, include Chamomile tea, Basil tea, Sage Tea, Peppermint Tea, Earl Grey tea is your daily diet.
  • Whole grains
Whole grains are one of the most important ingredients of a healthy diet. They are packed with complex carbs that provide energy while also controlling the hormones that lead to stress. Whole grains are known to increase the levels of serotonin in your body, which is a hormone that regulates happiness. Add fibrous foods in your meal to improve digestion and metabolism, which will lead to low levels of stress.
  • Turmeric
Turmeric is a natural antiseptic – it heals wounds – and it is also good for mental health. It reduces inflammation and can help reduce anxiety. Oxidative stress is a common reason for stress and anxiety. Add turmeric to a glass of warm milk and have it before you go to sleep at night. This drink boosts immunity and reduces stress.
