How to Stay Healthy at Home in the time of Coronavirus

How to Stay Healthy at Home in the time of Coronavirus

Caring for your physical and mental fitness during a pandemic like COVID-19 is more important than in times of safety. Social distancing is the best way to prevent coming in contact with coronavirus but isolation is likely to complicate things as well. Eating right and exercising among other things are essential.

It can be difficult to stay fit when you’re at home and all the fitness centers across India are shut down. Plus, the general feeling around the globe isn’t easy so it is normal to feel anxious. You have got to do your best to prevent coronavirus and also do whatever you can to help.

With FITCOACH and FITFEAST, you can workout at home with the help of an AI-enabled fitness coach and get your daily nutrition with diet suggestions by expert nutritionists, respectively.

How to get proper nutrition?

You might be tempted to stock up on groceries. The first thing you should do is enquire at the local stores or supermarkets about the availability of products from manufacturers and whether they plan to keep working or close down for a few days.

When you’re there, you must buy the right things. Do not think just about yourself; choose things in a quantity that does not create a panic is convenient for others as well. While it’s advisable to not have to go out, the stores are still open and there’s no need for a scenario like in those apocalypse movies.

Your pantry should contain products with starch and protein. It might feel like a good idea to store grain and canned foods but it is better to consume fresh products. Buy fruits and vegetables that can be stored in the refrigerator for at least a week. The following food can be kept outside the freezer for some time:
  • Broccoli
  • Sweet potato
  • Brussels sports
If you do not have an option, buy canned, dried, and frozen foods with the lowest quantities of salts, sugars, and saturated fats in their ingredients.

Stress eating can be common during these times. Boredom can also contribute to untimely and unnecessary eating. Indulge in stress-relieving activities like writing, talking with friends or family or reading books you have been putting off for a long time.

How to stay physically fit?

Going to the gym is out of the question for some time. You can walk, run or ride a bicycle as long as the place is not too crowded. You should stay at least 6 feet away from other people. The best option is to stay at home and workout every day. Get one of the services that allow you to workout at home without compromising on form and technique.

Don’t fret about weights if you don’t have any. Bodyweight exercises like planks, push-ups, burpees, squats, lunges, etc. are perfect. Choose 5 exercises you like and make a circuit out of them. Perform each exercise for a minute in a set and do another set. Physical activity can also be carried out in the form of household chores like gardening, cleaning, cooking, etc.

How to manage stress?

To stay healthy, you need to manage stress and anxiety and get enough sleep. This is where yoga and meditation come into the picture. Place your yoga mat in a secluded corner and just do two sets of Surya Namaskar and say 5-10 minutes of meditation. Spend little time on the TV and the computer and read and write instead. Use scented candles and install plants in your room to purify the air. Do whatever you need to boost your mood.

Finally, clean your surroundings. As mentioned umpteen times, wash your hands, sanitize, and try to avoid any illnesses. Stay away from alcohol as much as possible even though you might be tempted to drink because of so much free time.
