5 Yogic Practices to Relieve Stress & Coronavirus Symptoms

5 Yogic Practices to Relieve Stress & Coronavirus Symptoms

It has been over a week since you have been working from home or probably just been at home doing nothing but household chores and watching TV or Netflix. You are taking all the precautions you can (I hope) to prevent coronavirus. The effects of coronavirus are being felt all over the world and there are only a few ways to prevent it – social distancing (staying home), washing hands, especially before touching your mouth, eyes, and nose.  

There is virtually nothing else on the news and internet except how to avoid COVID-19 and other information related to it. The number of people being diagnosed with coronavirus is increasing by the day as are the number of deaths. The worries of what is to come can cause stress and anxiety, which in turn can deteriorate our health. Working out at home can help you keep your immunity up to fight COVID-19 better. Get FITFEAST for daily diet suggestions from certified nutritionists to ensure a healthy lifestyle.

Yogic Practices for a Healthy Life

  • Gargling

Gargling with warm salt water is an ancient practice, which has stuck with us for millennia. Dissolve about half a teaspoon of salt in warm water and gargle every day to prevent sickness. This kills the germs and bacteria present in your nose and throat that might be trying to get into your bloodstream. If they do, they can affect your immunity but remember that salt kills them. You can also use a neti pot to drain your sinuses with warm saltwater. Saltwater rinsing is a preventive measure when you don’t feel a little under the weather.

  • Sleep Well

The strength of your immune system depends on your body’s cycles of sleep and alertness, known as the circadian clock. It should be balanced as per ancient Ayurvedic wisdom and modern science. The best way to maintain a healthy circadian rhythm is to go to bed 2-3 hours after the sun goes down and wake up when the sun rises. 

We spend too much time on laptops and TV screens; their blue light is damaging. Keeping the night light filter always on can help with that. Don’t eat late at night and avoid heavy meals in the evening as that can lead to undigested food, which interferes with sleep. Not getting enough sleep compromises immunity. Living in accordance with nature's rhythm in addition to sleeping enough and eating healthy foods is important for staying healthy. Your way of life determines the strength of your immunity.

  • Tulsi Tea

Tulsi is one of the most important herbs in Ayurveda – it relieves stress, fever, and headaches while also keeping the lungs clear. Experts believe that having Tulsi tea can soothe respiratory problems created by the likes of the coronavirus.

  • Deep Breathing

The lungs clear out the toxins and the clutter. In other words, they are the most important lymph pumps. Doing pranayama everyday mitigates stress and boosts immunity. Simple deep breathing or yogic breathing opens up your lungs and side ribs to keep things moving.

  • Take Breaks

Take up to 20 minutes off whenever you feel stressed or mentally scattered. During this period, sit quietly, walk, practice mindfulness or do Restorative Yoga. This is especially good toward the end of the day after having worked all day to let your nervous system rest and reset.
